Raymond Philip Nolan /November 2014

First Name: Raymond Philip
Last Name:Nolan
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: 3rd Black Watch
Military Number:
Place of Birth:Ballinderry Estate
Place of Death:France-Flanders
Date of Death:/November 2014
Additional Information:

Death: November 1914. Age 31.

Supplementary Notes: Eldest son of Philip Nolan. Succeeded his uncle, Lieutenant Colonel J.P. Nolan , MP, in the Ballinderry Estate (1912) Educated at Beaumont, Stonyhurst and New College, Oxford.

Black watch

Fifth Black Watch

Unknown Grave of a fallen soldier in WW1

Unknown Grave of a fallen soldier in WW1

Grave of an unknown fallen soldier in WW1 N

Unknown Grave of a fallen soldier in WW1