John Belton 26-Mar-18

First Name: John
Last Name:Belton
Rank: Seaman
Regiment: Royal Navy Reserves Lady Cory Wright.
Military Number:
Place of Birth:5 Lower Merchants Road
Place of Death:English Channel
Date of Death:26-Mar-18
Additional Information:

Killed in Action: (English Channel) 26 March 1918. Age 23,

Supplementary Notes: Seaman: 5003A- Killed during Action with an enemy submarine.

Son of John & Honor Belton of 5 Lower Merchants Road, Galway.

Remembered: Portsmouth Naval Memorial -Hampshire-United Kingdom (31).

SS LADY CORY-WRIGHT, built by S. P. Austin & Son, Ltd., Sunderland in 1906 and owned at the time of her loss by Cory Colliers, Ltd., London, was a British collier-steamer of 2516 tons.

On March 26th, 1918, LADY CORY-WRIGHT (requisitioned by the Royal Navy), departed Plymouth for Malta with 370 type-D depth charges, 1000 primers B.E., 2100 torpedo detonators and 2762 mines.

While 14 miles SSW of the Lizard, LADY CORY-WRIGHT was torpedoed ty the German submarine UC-17 (Erich Stephan). A catastrophic explosion followed, killing all 40 on board, except one.

BELTON, JOHN (23), Seaman (no. 5003A), Lady Cory-Wright, Royal Naval Reserve, °1894 ~ †26/03/1918, Son of John and Honor Belton, of 5, Lower Merchants Rd., Galway, Memorial: Portsmouth Naval Memorial


Royal Navy reserves

Royal Navy Reserve

lady cory wright

lady cory wright

Portsmouth Naval Memorial.(31)

Portsmouth Naval Memorial-Hampshire-United kingdom (31)